» Know the details behind every phone number «

Number Validation

Capture only good leads, keep your user database clean and fight fraud by validating phone numbers at the point of entry into your system »

Simple & Secure API

Requested using an easy-to-integrate URL structure, delivered in lightweight JSON format, and secured via 256-bit HTTPS encryption »

Advanced Tools

Advanced phone number validation using the most up-to-date international numbering plans, carrier & line type detection, and location lookup »

Easy on your Budget

We're offering the most cost-effective API - validate 1,000 phone numbers per month for free. Need more? Subscriptions start at $19.99 per month »

Advanced Tools

Advanced phone number validation using the most up-to-date international numbering plans, carrier & line type detection, and location lookup »

Easy on your Budget

We're offering the most cost-effective API - validate 1,000 phone numbers per month for free. Need more? Subscriptions start at $19.99 per month »

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Validation & Lookup

Identify any national and international phone number simply by passing it into the API's request URL.

Numbering Plans

Our format validation system is powered by regularly updated international phone numbering plans.

256-bit HTTPS

Ensure secure and encrypted datastreams by connecting to the API via industry-standard HTTPS.

Interactive Documentation

Once signed up, you will be able to try out the API's features as you go through their Documentation.

World-Class Tech Support

Our technical support team is great at giving you exactly the information that you need, when you need it.

Extended Usage Statistics

Track your API usage on a daily or monthly basis, and receive automatic notifications if you are running low.

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Power your applications

Our powerful, cost-effective phone number validation & lookup API is preventing undelivered messages for businesses all over the world.

Integrate anywhere, any way

API results are delivered in portable JSON format. Just make a request using the simple URL structure, and let our API do the rest »

// verify any phone number:

    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    & number = +14158586273

// API returns simple JSON response 
// containing validation result, location,
// carrier and line type data 
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International Numbers

Validate international phone numbers for 232 countries using their unique international dial codes.

National Numbers

Validate national (local) phone numbers by providing an additional 2-digit country code parameter.

Location Data

Retrieve valuable geographical identifiers, including country and location, with each API request.

Carrier Detection

Legitimize customers by retrieving details about the carrier their phone number is registered with.

Line Type Detection

Reduce undelivered messages and ensure right ways of communication by knowing the line type.

[ and more ]

Prettyprint your JSON response, make use of JSONP Callbacks, Access-Control headers, and much more.

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Free Plan

Try it for Free
/ mo
no catches
100 API Requests
Advanced Validation Tools

Basic Plan

Standard Kit
5,000 API Requests
Advanced Validation Tools
Secure Datastreams

Professional Plan

Most Popular
50,000 API Requests
Advanced Validation Tools
Secure Datastreams

Enterprise Plan

The All-Inclusive Suite
/ mo
250,000 API Requests
Advanced Validation Tools
Secure Datastreams